
EATPA exists, amongst other things to:

  • facilitate networking  and encourage international collaboration in the field of Chinese/Japanese/Korean translation pedagogy,
  • foster international, collaborative research and dissemination
  • provide a forum for discussion of innovative approaches to translation and translation pedagogy
  • contribute to further enhancements in pedagogy within this field and the sharing of resources and expertise, with the ultimate goal of equipping would-be translators in these language pairs to more effectively meet the needs of translation work and intercultural mediation between these languages in the 21st century,
  • encourage post- and undergraduate students of these languages to confidently engage with the professionalisation of the language skills gained during their undergraduate studies

This will be achieved through the following:

  • periodic online events where members can showcase their research/scholarship in this field
  • research projects within the field conducted collaboratively by network members
  • other activities such as online workshops, forums and conferences, and later a face-to-face conference when and where possible (online events maybe organised 3-4 times/year)
  • communication via the mailing list, sharing relevant events, resources, calls for collaboration in projects, calls for papers etc
  • publications